Finished trimming saimin bowls.
Friday, 4/29/2022
Threw 20 sauce bowls using 11 lbs. mixture of Bmix and recycled Bmix clays. Started trimming saimin bowls.
J. of Nalu Builds Gallery came by to pick up some pottery.
Thusday, 4/28/2022
Threw 10 mugs and 7 teabowls using mixture of 22 lbs. recycled Bmix and Bmix clay. Pulled 50 handles using mixture of 9 lbs. recycled Bmix and Bmix clay.
Wednesday, 4/27/2022
Threw 36 mugs for Lawai order and 3 xtra large mugs for inventory using a mixture of 40 lbs. Bmix and recycled Bmix clays.
Monday, 4/25/2022
Threw 6 saimin bowls and 23 tea bowls for Lawai order using 50 lbs. Bmix clay. Shipped partial order to Lawai via FedEx.